Ron Paul has campaigned against the IRS and federal income tax for decades, but I first heard about this idea during the 2008 presidential campaign. To me, it sounded crazy. No IRS? No income tax? How could that be possible? However, after studying the income tax and what he and other libertarian thinkers have had to say, I too believe an income tax is not only unnecessary but immoral. The fruit of your labor belongs to you. No one, especially the government, has the right to take - steal it from you. If you have to work till May or July to pay your taxes, how is that different than forced labor? And how is forced labor different than slavery?
It may be surprising to many Americans to learn that the income tax is a Marxist idea, but in 1848, Karl Marx in his Communist Manifesto listed the "10 Planks of a Communist State." After the first plank of abolishing private property, he listed the second plank, the establishment of "a heavy progressive or graduated income tax."
In 1913, the income tax taxed the very richest Americans at a 1-7% tax. Those earning less than $20,000 paid nothing. That was the equivalent of $430,707 in 2009 according to the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. Even more bizarre, the IRS claims the income tax is voluntary, yet every American knows the penalty for non payment is jail or heavy fines. The Treasury Department calls it "our voluntary tax system," and the IRS pursues "enforcement programs to promote voluntary compliance" and establishes "strategies to maximize voluntary tax law compliance by emphasizing customer satisfaction." Enforcement of voluntary compliance by emphasizing customer satisfaction! HAHAHA! What dupes we are!
The federal government collects $1,200 billion in federal income taxes and around $3,000 billion in total taxes, but "only" $67 billion is necessary to run the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, including the FBI and the federal court system. Read that again! $67 billion for the executive, legislative and judicial branches. Although life without taxes may be impossible, the federal income tax is not necessary. If the federal government would cut the overseas military empire, it could easily eliminate the federal income tax. However, the political establishment, uses the tax for social and economic manipulation.
This Intolerable tax drains the economy, is time-consuming, confusing and frustrating for Americans. The tax code consists of 3.4 million words and would fill 7,500 pages. In 2006, the code and regulations together were 66,498 pages long. In 2006, Americans spent 6.4 billion hours filing their taxes. In fact, the American "Tax Army" employs 1.2 million people. That's more than the .9 million armed forces stationed in the United States. The estimated total cost of collecting taxes is $63 billion, just $4 billion short of funding general government and law enforcement ($67 billion). The IRS itself employs 91,000 and will spend $11.6 billion in 2009 collecting taxes.
We Americans need to stop listening to the politicians, bureaucrats, and special interest groups and start thinking for ourselves. Why are we supporting overseas troops and bases? Why do we support an empire? Why do we allow the federal government to intervene in the internal affairs of other nations? Why do we submit to this intolerable burden, this economic slavery? The American Colonists rebelled over miniscule taxes in comparison to our taxes. Our Founding Fathers would be appalled by what we submit to.
"A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him." -Ezra Pound
Born in Oklahoma, Raised in Texas, Studied in Mexico and Spain, Taught Spanish in Thailand, Living in Hawai'i, Orthodox Christian, Libertarian, World Traveler, Writer, Sovereign Individual, Sangria Drinker, A Psychologically Unemployable Vagabond you can read about at or follow on Twitter.