2011年7月1日 星期五

Finding the Best Home-Based Income Opportunity

As more and more people feel the economic crisis, many are looking for ways to make extra money. An increasing number are finding the solution to their problems with a home-based income opportunity.

Many people would love to earn money from home, but hesitate for several reasons. Anyone talking to a prospect about a home-based income opportunity should take these into account. Some believe such an opportunity would require a large investment. Others think it would take too much of their time. Some believe it would be too risky. Others just don't know how to begin.

The benefits of a home-based income opportunity are numerous. Your boss is you. The potential income is generally unlimited. You get to do what satisfies you. You get to pick your business partners. The hours are flexible. You save commuting time and money. Limited expenses increase profit. You can take numerous deductions off your income taxes.

There are even more advantages to starting a network marketing business as your home-based income opportunity. You can start such an endeavor for hundreds of dollars, while most businesses require much more. Training is inexpensive. Your company will handle most administrative issues. You can keep working at your existing job while you get your MLM business up and running.

The most favorable reason to start a network marketing business, however, is recurring income. Some call this royalty income or residual income. This happens when you can do something once and get paid for it over and over. Think of how great it would be to go to your mailbox and get a royalty check from work you did years ago in your home-based income opportunity.

Many people mistakenly think that such checks are reserved for famous musicians, actors, actresses and authors. In fact, network marketers get paid that way every week or every month. They did the work and their home-based income opportunity pays them again and again.

MLM companies account for more than $100 billion in sales around the globe. Most don't pay high-dollar celebrity endorsers. Instead they pay distributors who saw the company as a great home-based income opportunity.

Network marketing has gotten something of a bad rap over the years. Some don't even see it as a legitimate home-based income opportunity. This is due, in large part, to improper training given to reps in the field. Distributors are often taught sales techniques and closing methods, when instead MLM is a relationship-driven profession. Failed strategies taught network marketing as a numbers game, when it is instead a business of trust.

So what type of network marketing company would make the best home-based income opportunity? Successful MLM endeavors offer a turnkey system that the average distributor can successfully use. Such a system includes a strong method of lead generation, a way to follow-up with prospects, a method of sponsoring, and training that teaches everyone in the system how to make it work.

You can learn more about Steve DeVane at http://www.stevedevane.com. You can download a free copy of the classic e-book, Success in 10 Steps, at the http://www.lifechangingebook.com web site.

